A Looming Shadow Returns - Shadow Lugia
Team GO Rocket has decided to take over the Festival of Lights event in an attempt to take away Hoopa! Giovanni has also returned to lead this mission. It seems likely that he was watching from the shadows this entire time, studying Hoopa as we learned about it, too. There’s also rumors of another Legendary Pokémon that he’s turned into a Shadow Pokémon! Let’s stop Team GO Rocket, Trainers!
Use the Super Rocket Radar from this part of the Special Research to encounter Giovanni!

The Season of Mischief Story Continues!
Continue to follow the Season of Mischief storyline focused on the Mythical Pokémon Hoopa!
If you complete this Season’s Special Research story, you’ll gain access to a special event at the end of the Season that might have something to do with Hoopa!
Use the Super Rocket Radar from this part of the Special Research to encounter Giovanni!
Giovanni Returns
Giovanni has emerged from the shadows once again! He and his Shadow Pokémon might try to capture Hoopa. Defeat Giovanni to rescue Shadow Lugia!
Team GO Rocket Has Created More Shadow Pokémon
Team GO Rocket has been busy in the shadows. Team GO Rocket Grunts as well as their leaders—Cliff, Sierra, and Arlo—are using different Shadow Pokémon. Help Spark, Blanche, and Candela overcome their adversaries and rescue the Shadow Pokémon.
Team GO Rocket will begin using these Pokémon at 12:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday, November 9, 2021.
Arlo’s Team
Arlo’s first Pokémon is Shadow Gligar.
Arlo’s second Pokémon can be Shadow Mawile, Shadow Cradily, or Shadow Lapras.
Arlo’s third Pokémon can be Shadow Scizor, Shadow Gardevoir, or Shadow Snorlax.
- Gligar
- Mawile
- Cradily
- Lapras
- Scizor
- Gardevoir
- Snorlax
Cliff’s Team
Cliff’s first Pokémon is Shadow Grimer.
Cliff’s second Pokémon can be Shadow Venusaur, Shadow Crobat, or Shadow Machamp.
Cliff’s third Pokémon can be Shadow Arcanine, Shadow Charizard, or Shadow Tyranitar.
- Grimer
- Venusaur
- Crobat
- Machamp
- Arcanine
- Charizard
- Tyranitar
Sierra’s Team
Sierra’s first Pokémon is Shadow Nidoran♀.
Sierra’s second Pokémon can be Shadow Beedrill, Shadow Vileplume, or Shadow Slowbro.
Sierra’s third Pokémon can be Shadow Houndoom, Shadow Marowak, or Shadow Nidoqueen.
- Nidoran♀
- Beedrill
- Vileplume
- Slowbro
- Houndoom
- Marowak
- Nidoqueen
Giovanni’s Team
Giovanni’s first Pokémon is Shadow Persian.
Giovanni’s second Pokémon can be Shadow Rhyperior, Shadow Kingler, or Shadow Nidoking.
Giovanni’s third Pokémon is Shadow Lugia.
- Persian
- Rhyperior
- Kingler
- Nidoking
- Lugia
In addition to the event-themed Pokémon already available to encounter in Field Research Tasks (during the Festival of Lights), you’ll also be able to encounter Vullaby! For the first time in Pokémon GO, you’ll be able to encounter a Shiny Vullaby, if you’re lucky!
Field Research Task: Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader
Reward: Vullaby
- Vullaby
For the first time in Pokémon GO, you’ll be able to encounter a Shiny Vullaby, if you’re lucky!
- Vullaby
- Mandibuzz