Legendary Heroes
Pick your path in Pokémon GO’s Legendary Heroes event!
Choose between Sword or Shield to determine which Collection Challenge you have and which Pokémon will be attracted to Incense during the duration of the event.

PokéStop Showcases
Be on the lookout for Showcases at different PokéStops where you can enter event-themed Pokémon!
The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild.
- Galarian Ponyta
- Koffing
- Galarian Darumaka
- Grookey
- Scorbunny
- Sobble
- Skwovet
Incense Encounters: Sword Path
If the Sword Path is chosen, the following Pokémon will be attracted to Incense throughout the event.
- Seedot
- Scraggy
- Gothita
- Deino
- Swirlix
- Passimian
Incense Encounters: Shield Path
- Larvitar
- Lotad
- Croagunk
- Solosis
- Spritzee
- Oranguru
Appearing in 1- Star Raids
- Galarian Ponyta
- Galarian Darumaka
- Goomy
- Jangmo-o
Appearing in 3- Star Raids
- Turtonator
- Drampa
Appearing in 5- Star Raids
- Zacian (Hero of Many Battles)
Appearing in Mega Raids
- Mega Gardevoir
Field Research Tasks
Event-themed Field Research tasks will be available.
Complete the tasks to earn Rare Candy, Stardust, and encounters with Galarian Slowpoke!
- Catch 8 Pokémon REWARD
Galarian Slowpoke
Max CP525Min CP487 - Trade a Pokémon REWARD×1Rare Candy ×1
- Use an Incense POSSIBLE REWARDS×3Rare Candy ×3×1500Stardust ×1500
Timed Research: Sword Path or Shield Path?
Trainers will be able to access free branching Timed Research that awards items, XP, Stardust, and encounters with event-themed Pokémon that are determined by which path you pick.
The path you choose will also determine which Collection Challenge you have and which Pokémon will be attracted to Incense for the duration of the event!

Choose Sword Path
Choose this option to follow the Sword Path. This determines the Pokémon you can encounter from Incense and the Collection Challenges you will be assigned.

Choose Shield Path
Choose this option to follow the Sword Path. This determines the Pokémon you can encounter from Incense and the Collection Challenges you will be assigned.

Collection Challenges
Event-themed Collection Challenges are coming!
Complete catch- and trade-focused Collection Challenges to receive XP and encounters with event-themed Pokémon. The path you pick during the event will determine which challenges and Pokémon you encounter.
You need to pick a Path in order to get a set of Collection Challenges.
Choose Sword Path
Trainers who choose the Sword Path in the Timed Research will receive these Catch and Trade Collection Challenges.

Choose Shield Path
Trainers who choose the Shield Path in the Timed Research will receive these Catch and Trade Collection Challenges.

For the first time in Pokémon GO, you’ll be able to encounter Shiny Zacian—if you’re lucky!
- Zacian (Hero of Many Battles)
Pokémon GO Web Store
The Pokémon GO Web Store has you covered for your encounters with Zacian with the Ultra Raid Box! This offer features three Remote Raid Passes and one Premium Battle Pass for US$4.99 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency).
Now even more Trainers can enjoy the web store! Trainers with Pokémon Trainer Club (PTC) accounts will now be able to log in to the Pokémon GO Web Store with the same credentials used to log in to Pokémon GO.