Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Madrid, Spain
Pokémon GO Fest 2024 is coming to Madrid, and we’re planning a mystical event! GO Fest 2024: Madrid is split into different experiences between two locations: Parque Juan Carlos I and throughout greater Madrid!
Attendees will enjoy exclusive gameplay, special bonuses, and more as they adventure alongside thousands of fellow Trainers and spend half their day in Parque Juan Carlos I and half exploring the larger Madrid area!
Tickets purchased include both the Parque Juan Carlos I AND Madrid experience—the only difference is the time of day Trainers are at each location.
Choose Your Adventure Order
Trainers who purchase a ticket will split their day between exploring Parque Juan Carlos I and adventuring throughout Madrid, enjoying special exclusive event gameplay during both parts of the day.
Both the Morning Park Experience and the Afternoon Park Experience are the same—the only difference is the time of day Trainers are at each location.
All attendees will receive the following bonuses and rewards between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m, anywhere in Madrid on their ticketed day!

Evolve your gameplay with ticket add-ons
You can make the most of your event day with add-ons!
Raid Lover - €17
Raid Lover Add-on bonus will be active throughout Madrid from Friday, June 14, through Sunday, June 16, 2024.

Egg-thusiast - €17
Egg-thusiast add-on bonus will be active throughout Madrid from Friday, June 14, through Sunday, June 16, 2024.

Citywide Gameplay - €23
Extend the GO Fest fun and enjoy the city experience throughout Madrid on one to two extra days of your choice! This add-on provides an additional day of the same citywide gameplay experience that is available on your primary event day; however, it does not include additional Special or Timed Research.
This add-on only enables additional citywide gameplay. The Parque Juan Carlos I event experience will only be available on your primary event day at the time indicated on your ticket.
T-shirt Pre-order - €27
Pre-order your in-person event-exclusive Pokémon GO Fest 2024 T-shirt now and pick it up in-person during the event. Each T-shirt purchased will also come with a code that can be redeemed for a matching in-app avatar item.
T-shirt quantities are limited and pre-orders will only be available while supplies last. No returns, exchanges, or cancellations will be allowed. The same T-shirt design (in a different color) will be available for sale (while supplies last) on Niantic Supply in select countries.
Marshadow makes its Pokémon GO debut during Pokémon GO Fest!
This year, the Mythical Pokémon Marshadow—the Gloomdweller Pokémon—aims to overshadow the event! Marshadow will be making its Pokémon GO debut during Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Sendai. This shadowy Pokémon will make follow-up appearances in Madrid and New York City!
Follow the story told by your event-exclusive Special Research and adventure throughout the park, and get ready for your own mysterious encounter with Marshadow!
Trainers will only encounter Marshadow once no matter how many GO Fest 2024 Special Research stories they acquire and complete. If you plan to attend multiple GO Fest 2024 events, the first relevant Special Research story you obtain will award your Marshadow encounter. Any subsequent GO Fest Special Research you obtain and complete will award you with Marshadow Candy instead of a Marshadow encounter once it is completed.
Necrozma makes its Pokémon GO debut in Europe in raids at Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Madrid!
The Prism Pokémon, Necrozma, will make its worldwide Pokémon GO debut in raids during Pokémon GO Fest 2024! Trainers in Madrid will have the opportunity to conduct Raid Battles for Necrozma during the event weekend. Only Pokémon GO Fest: Madrid ticket holders may encounter a shiny Necrozma, if they are lucky!
Klefki, the Key Ring Pokémon, will appear during Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Madrid! This Pokémon is typically only found in France!
Shiny Crabrawler Debuts
Trainers who attend Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Madrid will be able to encounter Shiny Crabrawler for the first time in Pokémon GO—if they’re lucky!
- Crabrawler
- Crabominable
Costumed Pokémon Debuts
Pikachu and Eevee are dressed for the occasion! Eevee wearing a sun crown and Eevee wearing a moon crown will be exclusively available to in-person GO Fest attendees only.
Pikachu wearing a sun crown and Pikachu wearing a moon crown will also be available to in-person GO Fest attendees before Pokémon GO Fest: Global in July.
A Picture Perfect Pokémon
For eagle-eyed Trainers, Heat Rotom may appear in snapshots as a surprise encounter during in-person GO Fest events.
Kabuki Trim Furfrou
Kabuki Trim Furfrou is available in Madrid Spain! It is normally only available in Japan.
- Furfrou (Kabuki)
Park Experience: Special Pokémon will appear in the wild!
Special Pokémon will appear in unique habitats around Parque Juan Carlos I during the event!
Habitat: Mysterious Labyrinth
- Moon Crown Pikachu
- Hisuian Voltorb
- Lickitung
- Moon Crown Eevee
- Natu
- Baltoy
- Beldum
- Pansage
- Munna
- Petilil
- Ferroseed
- Espurr
Habitat: Rocky Shore
- Sun Crown Pikachu
- Scarf Lapras
- Sun Crown Eevee
- Chinchou
- Day Scarf Espeon
- Nosepass
- Shieldon
- Probopass
- Throh
- Tirtouga
- Amaura
- Crabrawler
- Dewpider
- Jangmo-o
Habitat: Cursed Forest
- Moon Crown Pikachu
- Zubat
- Tangela
- Moon Crown Eevee
- Night Scarf Umbreon
- Sableye
- Cacnea
- Lunatone
- Deino
- Orange Flower Flabébé
- Pancham
- Phantump
- Oricorio (Baile Style)
Habitat: Sunrise Gateway
- Sun Crown Pikachu
- Sun Crown Eevee
- Skarmory
- Solrock
- Cherrim
- Bronzor
- Fletchling
- Furfrou (Natural)
- Helioptile
- Tyrunt
- Carbink
- Oricorio (Pa’u Style)
All Habitats
- Unown A
- Unown D
- Unown G
- Unown H
- Unown I
- Unown N
- Unown T
- Unown Y
- Unown ?
- Klefki
City Experience: Special Pokémon will appear in the wild!
All Pokémon featured in the event habitats will appear in the wild throughout Madrid during the day on your ticket!
In 7 km Eggs
The following will be available from 7 km Eggs for Trainers that have a ticket. Remember that 7 km Eggs come from Friend Gifts.
- Sun Crown Eevee
- Moon Crown Eevee
- Pansage
- Throh
- Larvesta
- Pancham
- Klefki
- Crabrawler
- Oricorio (Pa’u Style)
Appearing in 5-Star Raids
The following Pokémon will appear in raids during GO Fest 2024: Madrid!
- Nihilego
- Pheromosa
- Kartana
- Guzzlord
- Necrozma
- Blacephalon
Field Research Tasks
Spin PokéStops to collect event-exclusive Field Research tasks and earn rewards.
These are the available Field Research tasks you’ll find across the park and city.
- Catch 10 Pokémon POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP835Min CP788×500Stardust ×500×1Rare Candy ×1 - Spin 10 PokéStops or Gyms POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP584Min CP544×1Rare Candy ×1×500Stardust ×500 - Earn a Candy Exploring with your buddy POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP584Min CP544×1Rare Candy ×1 - Hatch an Egg POSSIBLE REWARDS×2Rare Candy ×2×1000Stardust ×1000
- Send 3 Gifts to friends REWARD×3Marshadow Candy ×3
- Challenge a nearby Trainer by scanning their Battle Code REWARD×1000Stardust ×1000
Mysterious Labyrinth
These are the available Field Research tasks you’ll find in the Mysterious Labyrinth habitat.
- Earn 500 Stardust REWARD
Max CP410Min CP377 - Earn 500 XP REWARD
Max CP539Min CP502
Rocky Shore
These are the available Field Research tasks you’ll find in the Rocky Shore habitat.
- Earn 500 Stardust REWARD
Max CP1098Min CP1043 - Earn 500 XP REWARD
Max CP415Min CP382
Cursed Forest
These are the available Field Research tasks you’ll find in the Cursed Forest habitat.
- Earn 500 Stardust REWARD
Max CP638Min CP597 - Earn 500 XP REWARD
Flabébé (Orange)
Max CPMin CP
Sunrise Gateway
These are the available Field Research tasks you’ll find in the Sunrise Gateway habitat.
- Earn 500 Stardust REWARD
Oricorio (Pa’u Style)
Max CP1000Min CP948 - Earn 500 XP REWARD
Max CP628Min CP585
GO Fest: 2024: Madrid Park Escapade
Event-exclusive Special Research
This year, the Mythical Pokémon Marshadow—the Gloomdweller Pokémon—aims to overshadow the event! Marshadow will be making its Pokémon GO debut during Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Sendai. This shadowy Pokémon will make follow-up appearances in Madrid and New York City!
Follow the story told by your event-exclusive Special Research and adventure throughout the park, and get ready for your own mysterious encounter with Marshadow!

GO Fest 2024: Madrid City Skies
Event-exclusive Special Research
Trainers during the City Experience will receive this Special Research that will grant enough Solar Fusion Energy or Lunar Fusion Energy to fuse Necrozma once depending on their branching quest choice.
Note there are two choices:
- Tuning: Event Eevee and Tuning: Crabrawler
- Basking in the Radiance and Hidden in the Umbra

Choose Radar Tuning: Event Eevee
Pick this branch, and your radar will be focused on Eevee wearing a sun crown or moon crown. When they are nearby, they’ll be prioritized in your nearby Pokémon list!

Choose Radar Tuning: Crabrawler
Pick this branch, and your radar will be focused on Crabrawler. When they are nearby, they’ll be prioritized in your nearby Pokémon list!

Choose ‘Basking in the Radiance’
Choose this path to get tasks leading to an encounter with Solgaleo, the Sunne Pokémon. You’ll also receive enough resources to fuse Necrozma and Solgaleo in Step 5.

Choose ‘Hidden in the Umbra’
Choose this path to get tasks leading to an encounter with Lunala, the Moone Pokémon. You’ll also receive enough resources to fuse Necrozma and Lunala in Step 5.

Collection Challenges
Level up your Elite Collector medal by completing Collection Challenges—one for each of the four habitats!

Crabrawler will be released in its shiny variant with the start of the event.
- Crabrawler
- Crabominable
Shiny Pheromosa will make its debut. Shiny Necrozama will also be available.
- Pheromosa
- Necrozma
Web Store Deal
All Madrid ticket holders can get a Premium Battle Pass and an Incubator with any web store purchase by using the code GOFEST2024 at checkout!
Pokémon GO Web Store: https://store.pokemongolive.com/