Pokémon GO Halloween 2024 - Part I
Beware both big and small scares with Morpeko and Dynamax Gastly during Pokémon GO Halloween 2024 Part I!

Pokémon Debut
Morpeko will make its Pokémon GO debut!
Morpeko will charge into Pokémon GO, changing the way you battle! Certain Pokémon—like Morpeko—will be able to change form in battle each time it uses a Charged Attack, unleashing new possibilities for you and your battle team.
Initially, Morpeko will only be able to change forms when battling Team GO Rocket or in the GO Battle League.
- Morpeko
Featured Attack
The typing of Morpeko’s Aura Wheel changes based on what form it’s in.
Aura Wheel (Electric-type)
Morpeko will know the Charged Attack Aura Wheel (Electric) while it is in Full Belly Mode.
- Trainer Battles: 100 power, increases the user’s Attack by one stage
Aura Wheel (Dark-type)
Morpeko will know the Charged Attack Aura Wheel (Dark) while it is in Hangry Mode.
- Trainer Battles: 100 power, increases the user’s Attack by one stage
GO Battle League
Starting with this event, you can find Morpeko in reward encounters throughout the Season in the GO Battle League!
During the event, Morpeko will be encountered more frequently in the premium track of the GO Battle League.
After the event, starting at Rank 16 in the GO Battle League, Morpeko will be encountered in both GO Battle League reward tracks, but more frequently in the premium track.
Explore with Decor
Pokémon encounter backgrounds, PokéStops, and Gyms will be decorated for the holiday during both parts of the Halloween event. We hope you enjoy the colorful decor!
Lavender Town Music
A remix of the Lavender Town music will be playing nightly during this year’s Halloween event. Turn up your in-game sound to feel like you’re taking a stroll through Lavender Town!
You can also listen to the music by checking out this video.
PokéStop Showcases
Be on the lookout for Showcases at different PokéStops where you can enter event-themed Pokémon!
The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild.
Trainers will have an increased chance of encountering Shiny Zorua in the wild.
- Zubat
- Spinarak
- Murkrow
- Misdreavus
- Shuppet
- Drifloon
- Purrloin
- Zorua
- Frillish
- Litwick
- Greavard
Some Trainers might even encounter the following!
- Sableye
- Absol
Max Battles
Dynamax Gastly will make its Pokémon GO Dynamax debut in one-star Max Battles!
The following Pokémon will appear in Max Battles.
Pokémon caught from Max Battle encounters, as well as their Evolutions, can be Dynamaxed during Max Battles.
Appearing in 1-Star Max Battles
- Gastly
- Grookey
- Scorbunny
- Sobble
Appearing in 3-Star Max Battles
- Falinks
The following Pokémon will appear in raids.
Appearing in 1-Star Raids
- Sneasel
- Sableye
- Yamask
- Galarian Yamask
Appearing in 3-Star Raids
Trainers will have a higher chance of encountering shiny Umbreon from Raids during this event.
- Hisuian Typhlosion
- Umbreon
- Bombirdier
Appearing in 5-Star Raids
- Giratina (Origin)
Appearing in Mega Raids
- Mega Sableye
Field Research Tasks
Event-themed Field Research tasks will be available!
The following Pokémon and Mega Energy will be available to encounter when you complete Field Research tasks!
- Catch 10 Ghost or Dark‑type Pokémon POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP528Min CP491Nymble
Max CP253Min CP228 - Catch 15 Ghost‑ or Dark‑type Pokémon POSSIBLE REWARDS×25Gengar Mega Energy ×25×25Houndoom Mega Energy ×25×25Sableye Mega Energy ×25+2
- Evolve 3 Dark‑type Pokémon POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP632Min CP592Scraggy
Max CP588Min CP549 - Evolve 3 Ghost‑type Pokémon POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP509Min CP472Greavard
Max CP435Min CP402 - Win 2 Raids REWARD
Max CP832Min CP785 - Win 3 Raids REWARD
Max CP888Min CP839
Halloween 2024: Spiritomb Challenge
Event-exclusive Timed Research
Additional event-exclusive Timed Research will be available from October 22 at 10:00 a.m. to November 3 at 8:00 p.m. local time.
Timed Research focused on Spiritomb and its 108 spirits will be available throughout the event!
Complete the research tasks to receive encounters with Halloween-themed Pokémon like Spiritomb and Morpeko!

Morpeko Onesie
Premium Timed Research
For US$5.00 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency), you’ll beable to access event-exclusive, branching Timed Research.
Trainers with this event ticket will have the bonus of 3x Catch Candy.

Choose Full Belly Mode Path
Choosing this Path will reward you with the Morpeko Onesie (Full Belly Mode) avatar item.

Choose Hangry Mode Path
Choosing this Path will reward you with the Morpeko Onesie (Hangry Mode) avatar item.

Please note that this Timed Research ticket will only be available in the ingame shop until November 2, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
Please note that Timed Research expires. The tasks associated with this Timed Research must be completed and their rewards must be claimed before Sunday, November 3, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
Costume Party
Premium Timed Research
For US$2.00 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency), you’ll be able to access event-exclusive Timed Research.

Please note that this Timed Research ticket will only be available in the ingame shop until November 2, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
Please note that Timed Research expires. The tasks associated with this Timed Research must be completed and their rewards must be claimed before Sunday, November 3, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
During this event, Trainers will have an increased chance of encountering Shiny Umbreon in raids, and Shiny Zorua in the wild.
- Umbreon
- Zorua
New Avatar Items
The following avatar items will be available to purchase in the in-game shop during this event, and they will continue to be available after the event ends!
- Halloween Finery
- Woobat Top Hat
- Morpeko Onesie (Full Belly Mode)
- Morpeko Onesie (Hangry Mode)
New Stickers
You’ll be able to get event-themed stickers by spinning PokéStops, opening Gifts, and purchasing them from the in-game shop
Pokémon GO Web Store – Halloween Update
There will be new deals in the Pokémon GO Web Store during the event starting October 22, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. PDT!
- For US$4.99,* the Creepy Crate will net you three Remote Raid Passes, one Premium Battle Pass, and one Max Particle Pack.
- For US$39.99,* the Pumpkin Pack will feature 20 Incubators and 20 Super Incubators.
- For US$99.99,* the Boo Bundle will feature three Remote Raid Passes, 50 Super Incubators, three Max Particle Packs, 16 Premium Battle Passes, and 50 Incubators.
Check them out in the Pokémon GO Web Store!