Pokémon GO World Championships Event
Pokémon GO is celebrating the 2022 Pokémon World Championships and all things GO Battle League!
Crowning a World Champion!
The 2022 Pokémon World Championships will take place from August 18–21, 2022, in London, England, at the ExCeL London convention center!
The top qualifying Pokémon GO players from around the globe will compete to determine who will be crowned the 2022 Pokémon GO World Champion!
Among other prizes, the Pokémon GO World Champion will receive an in-game World Champion 2022 outfit and pose!
Tune in to Watch Live!
Tune in from Thursday, August 18, 2022, to Sunday, August 21, 2022, and watch all the action beginning at 8:00 a.m. UTC each day!
- English Stream: Pokémon GO Twitch Channel
- Japanese Stream:
Active Leagues
The following leagues will be active.
- Great League
- Fighting Cup
World Championships 2022 Pikachu
World Championships 2022 Pikachu makes its Pokémon GO debut in raids, Field Research, and Timed Research!
- World Championships 2022 Pikachu
Challengers at PokéStops
Battle Challengers located at PokéStops with teams inspired by the ones used by Trainers who won the Pokémon GO Regional Championships. Defeating a Challenger will reward items including Poké Balls, Berries, Potions, and Stardust.
Update: Challengers have a large pool of Pokémon so it might not be possible to get a complete list.
Novice Challenger:
- Slot 1: Trevenaut or Sableye
- Slot 2: Azumarill or Alolan Ninetales
- Slot 3: Galarian Stunfisk or Obstagoon
Confident Challenger:
- Slot 1: Swampert or Walrein
- Slot 2: Mandibuzz or Trevenaut
- Slot 3: Deoxys (Defense) or Lickitung
Slick Challenger:
- Slot 1: Walrein or Azumarill
- Slot 2: ??? or Medicham
- Slot 3: Registeel or Trevenaut
Ambitious Challenger:
- Slot 1: Swampert or Obstagoon
- Slot 2: Registeel or Nidoqueen
- Slot 3: Talonflame or Greedent
Eccentric Challenger:
- Slot 1: Sabeleye or Sirfetch’d
- Slot 2: Lickitung or Walrein
- Slot 3: Talonflame or Registeel
Eager Challenger:
- Slot 1: ??? or Nidoqueen
- Slot 2: ??? or Sabeleye
- Slot 3: ??? or Swampert

The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild.
- Nidoran♀
- Mankey
- Machop
- Mudkip
- Sableye
- Meditite
- Swablu
- Spheal
- Croagunk
- Dewpider
If you're lucky, you may encounter
- Scraggy
- Galarian Stunfisk
Appearing in 1- Star Raids
- World Championships 2022 Pikachu
- Galarian Farfetch'd
- Marill
- Barboach
- Timburr
- Scraggy
Appearing in 3- Star Raids
- Primeape
- Lickitung
- Skarmory
Appearing in 5- Star Raids
- Zacian
- Zamazenta
Appearing in Mega Raids
- Mega Slowbro
Field Research
You can encounter the following Pokémon when you complete Field Research tasks!
Tip: Expand a Task to see all possible encounters.
- Power up Pokémon 3 times POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP477Min CP442Chikorita
Max CP400Min CP368Mudkip
Max CP483Min CP447 - Power up Pokémon 7 times POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP527Min CP487Rhyhorn
Max CP707Min CP664Magikarp
Max CP117Min CP99+2 - Battle a Challenger REWARD
World Championships 2022 Pikachu
Max CP402Min CP369 - Battle in GO Battle League POSSIBLE REWARDS
Galarian Zigzagoon
Max CP218Min CP193Galarian Stunfisk
Max CP926Min CP876
Note: A Challenger refers to the Trainer NPCs you can battle located PokéStops during this event.
Pokémon World Championships 2022
Event-exclusive Timed Research
Timed Research will be available during the event. Complete the tasks to receive rewards including an encounter with World Championships 2022 Pikachu, an Elite Fast TM, and an Elite Charged TM

Note: A Challenger refers to the Trainer NPCs you can battle located PokéStops during this event.
Evolve Rhydon (Rhyhorn’s Evolution) during the event to get a Rhyperior that knows the Charged Attack Rock Wrecker.
Rock Wrecker
- Trainer Battles: 110 power
- Gyms and raids: 110 power
Evolve Haunter (Gastly’s Evolution) during the event to get a Gengar that knows the Charged Attack Shadow Punch.
Shadow Punch
- Trainer Battles: 40 power
- Gyms and raids: 40 power
Evolve Magikarp during the event to get a Gyarados that knows the Charged Attack Aqua Tail.
Aqua Tail
- Trainer Battles: 50 power
- Gyms and raids: 50 power
Evolve Metang (Beldum’s Evolution) during the event to get a Metagross that knows the Charged Attack Meteor Mash.
Meteor Mash
- Trainer Battles: 100 power
- Gyms and raids: 100 power
Evolve Fletchinder (Fletchling’s Evolution) during the event to get a Talonflame that knows the Fast Attack Incinerate.
- Trainer Battles: 15 power
- Gyms and raids: 29 power
Celebratory Avatar Items
Two new in-game avatar items will be available in commemoration of the 2022 Pokémon World Championships!
2022 Worlds Tee: Available globally via a code shared during the World Championships Stream. The code will also be distributed on official Pokémon GO social media channels shortly after. The code will be valid through August 22, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. UTC.
- Code: WRGUZRVKRR2M3 / Redeem here: leek.gg/redeem
2022 Worlds Participant Tee: Available from the PokéStop located at the Pokémon GO Booth in the World Championships venue in London during the event.
Featured Avatar Item
To celebrate the 2022 Pokémon World Championships’ Galar theme, the following Galar-inspired avatar items will be featured in the in-game shop.
- Dragon-type Sport Top
- Dragon-type Sport Shorts
- Dark-type Sport Top
- Dark-type Sport Shorts