Psychic Spectacular
You read our minds! The Psychic Spectacular event is back with new Timed Research, Collection Challenges, raids, and more!

The XP amount for a Curveball is increased from 20 XP to 250 XP for a successful capture.
PokéStop Showcases
Be on the lookout for Showcases at select PokéStops during the Psychic Spectacular event where you can enter Spoink!
The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild.
- Abra
- Slowpoke
- Drowzee
- Exeggcute
- Girafarig
- Ralts
- Meditite
- Spoink
- Gothita
- Solosis
- Elgyem
Some Trainers might even encounter the following!
- Galarian Ponyta
- Galarian Slowpoke
- Bronzor
In 7 km Eggs
The following Pokémon will hatch from 7 km Eggs. Solosis hatched from Eggs will have a greater chance of being a Shiny Pokémon than Solosis found in the wild
- Smoochum
- Wynaut
- Chingling
- Solosis
Appearing in 1- Star Raids
Unown will not be available in their shiny variants.
- Unown P
- Unown S
- Unown I
- Espurr
Appearing in 3- Star Raids
- Alolan Raichu
- Galarian Mr. Mime
- Hisuian Braviary
Appearing in 5- Star Raids
Genesect with a Burn Drive will be available September 16 to September 23.
- Genesect (Burn)
Raikou, Entei, and Suicune will be available September 23 to October 6.
- Raikou
- Entei
- Suicune
Appearing in Mega Raids
- Mega Gardevoir
Field Research Tasks
The following Pokémon will be available to encounter when you complete Field Research tasks.
- Catch 5 Psychic‑type Pokémon POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP586Min CP545×10Poké Ball ×10×5Great Ball ×5+1 - Make 10 Curveball Throws POSSIBLE REWARDS
Galarian Slowpoke
Max CP525Min CP487Wobbuffet
Max CP440Min CP399Solosis
Max CP586Min CP545 - Make an Excellent Curveball Throw POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP882Min CP832Metang
Max CP738Min CP694Inkay
Max CP397Min CP365 - Spin 5 PokéStops or Gyms POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP586Min CP545×500Stardust ×500×2Pinap Berry ×2 - Win a raid POSSIBLE REWARDS×50Alakazam Mega Energy ×50×50Slowbro Mega Energy ×50×50Gardevoir Mega Energy ×50×50Medicham Mega Energy ×50
Psychic Spectacular
Event-exclusive Timed Research
Psychic Spectacular Timed Research focused on Curveball Throws will be available at no cost throughout the event!
Complete the research tasks to earn encounters with Solosis.

Collection Challenges
Complete Collection Challenges to receive Mega Energy for certain Psychic-type Pokémon, Stardust, and XP.

Solosis will be released in its shiny variant with the start of the event. Solosis hatched from Eggs will have a greater chance of being a Shiny Pokémon than Solosis found in the wild
- Solosis
- Duosion
- Reuniclus