[At Home] Safari Zone at Liverpool, United Kingdom
This Event has been postponed. Get the full details here.
As an added bonus for those who retain their tickets, Safari Zone Pokémon encounters and Special Research globally during the original scheduled event hours (in your local time zone) so that you can still enjoy the event from wherever you are in the world. Only ticket holders will be able to experience this bonus event.
Ticket holders can also enjoy the event from home. Incense will last 8 hours when used during the event duration and spawn Pokémon more frequently. The Special Research can be completed anywhere you are and will include extra Poké Balls.
City Explorer Pass holders can enjoy all perks outside of the scheduled raids.
Theses bonuses are only available with the City Explorer Pass during the event during the weekend. During the hours of the event, all ticket holders will have 8-hour Incense.

* 1/2 Hatch Distance stacks with the ongoing bonuses for a total of 1/4 Hatch Distance
Features only available with the City Explorer Pass.
- The 10 City Explorer Raids are not available with this bonus event.
Relicanth—typically available only in New Zealand, Samoa, and some other islands in the southwest Pacific—will also be appearing in the wild.
Appearing in the wild
- Safari Hat Pikachu
- Psyduck
- Poliwag
- Tentacool
- Krabby
- Horsea
- Dratini
- Chinchou
- Mudkip
- Wingull
- Carvanha
- Wailmer
- Lileep
- Relicanth
- Oshawott
- Tympole
Unown Appearing
- Unown L
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- Unown O