Searching for Legends
Tuesday, March 9, 2021, at 10:00 AM Local Time
Sunday, March 14, 2021, at 8:00 AM Local Time
We’re kicking off the Season of Legends with a search for Legendary Pokémon! Any successful search requires a good sense of direction—and if there’s one Pokémon equipped to help in that regard, it’s Nosepass. The Compass Pokémon will be appearing in greater numbers to help you sniff out leads alongside a variety of Ground-, Rock-, and Steel-type Pokémon.
- Complete event-exclusive Field Research tasks and Timed Research to encounter Pokémon like Nosepass!
Ground-, Rock-, and Steel-type Pokémon will be appearing in the wild and from Incense.
In the wild
- Diglett
- Geodude
- Magnemite
- Nosepass
- Aron
- Lairon
- Baltoy
- Beldum
- Roggenrola
- Drilbur
- Alolan Diglett
- Alolan Geodude
- Magnemite
- Skarmory
- Nosepass
- Aron
- Lairon
- Beldum
- Shieldon
- Roggenrola
- Drilbur
More Pokémon will be appearing in the wild and from Incense than listed, check back for an updated list when the event starts.
In 5 km Eggs
- Magnemite
- Nosepass
- Aron
- Baltoy
- Beldum
- Drilbur
Appearing in 1- Star Raids
- Alolan Diglett
- Nosepass
- Roggenrola
- Drilbur
- Ferroseed
- Klink
Appearing in 3- Star Raids
- Alolan Graveler
- Magneton
- Skarmory
- Metang
- Incarnate Forme Tornadus is available from March 6, at 8 am local time to March 11, at 8 am local time.
- Incarnate Forme Thundurus is available from March 11, at 8 am local time to March 16, at 10 am local time.
Appearing in 5- Star Raids
- Tornadus (Incarnate)
- Thundurus (Incarnate)
Appearing in Mega Raids
- Mega Blastoise
- Mega Pidgeot
- Mega Ampharos
These Pokémon will be released in their shiny variant with the start of the event.
- Nosepass
- Probopass