Season of GO
Welcome to the Season of GO!
Multiple GO Fest Celebrations, GO Battle League Season 11, new mysteries to unravel, AND a new character? There’s no better name for our next season, Trainers— welcome to the Season of GO.

Earlier XL Candy Access
From the Season of GO onward, we are reducing the level requirement necessary to obtain Candy XL. Now, all Trainers level 31 and above will be able to get Candy XL as a reward!
GO Battle League
The GO Battle League is back with Season 11! With new cups like the Fossil Cup, the Summer Cup, and GO Fest Catch Cup to play in and the 2022 Pokémon World Championships coming in August, there’s never been a better time to get into the GO Battle League!
Get out there, test your mettle against other Trainers, and see how far you can advance in the seasonal rankings!
As the seasons change, different Pokémon will be appearing in different areas across the world!
- Rattata
- Koffing
- Aipom
- Bronzor
- Croagunk
- Patrat
- Galarian Stunfisk
- Oddish
- Weepinbell
- Tangela
- Shuckle
- Shroomish
- Cherubi
- Yungoos
- Sandshrew
- Onix
- Phanpy
- Aron
- Trapinch
- Hippopotas
- Golett
- Tentacool
- Krabby
- Horsea
- Wooper
- Corphish
- Spheal
- Dewpider
Hemisphere-exclusive Pokémon
Northern Hemisphere
Some Pokémon will appear only in the northern hemisphere.
- Ledyba
- Treecko
- Torchic
- Mudkip
- Combee
- Gible
- Deerling (Summer)
Southern Hemisphere
Some Pokémon will appear only in the southern hemisphere.
- Spinarak
- Larvitar
- Turtwig
- Chimchar
- Piplup
- Trubbish
- Deerling (Winter)
In 2 km Eggs
- Poliwag
- Magnemite
- Magikarp
- Meditite
- Pikipek
- Yungoos
- Stufful
In 5 km Eggs
- Togepi
- Skarmory
- Wynaut
- Bronzor
- Rowlet
- Litten
- Popplio
In 10 km Eggs
- Riolu
- Emolga
- Axew
- Rufflet
- Goomy
- Noibat
- Jangmo-o
In 5 km Eggs from Adventure Sync Rewards
- Cranidos
- Shieldon
- Happiny
- Munchlax
- Roggenrola
- Frillish
In 10 km Eggs from Adventure Sync Rewards
- Dratini
- Bagon
- Beldum
- Riolu
- Deino
- Goomy