Grubbin Community Day
We’re excited to announce that Grubbin, the Larva Pokémon, will be featured during September Community Day!

* While most bonuses are only active during the three hours of the event, these bonuses will be active from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. local time.
** The three-hour Incense bonus excludes Daily Adventure Incense.
*** The three-hour lure bonus excludes Golden Lure Modules.
Featured Attack
Evolve Charjabug (Grubbin’s Evolution) while near a Magnetic Lure during the event or up to 5 hours afterward to get a Vikavolt that knows the Fast Attack Volt Switch. Grubbin that evolve into Charjabug during that period will also know Volt Switch!
Volt Switch (Electric-type Fast Move)
- Trainer Battles: 12 power
- Gyms and raids: 14 power
Photobomb - During the event you can snap an AR Photo and get photobombed by Grubbin.
PokéStop Showcases - Be on the lookout for Showcases at different PokéStops during Grubbin Community Day!
The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild.
- Grubbin
Bonus Raid Battles after Community Day
Saturday, September 23, 2023, from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. local time
After the three-hour Community Day event ends, Trainers will be able to take on four-star Raid Battles. Claiming victory in one of these raids will cause more Grubbin to appear around the Gym that hosted the raid for 30 minutes!
Four-star Raid Battles
Charjabug will appear in four-star raids!
You can only join these raids using Raid Passes and Premium Battle Passes. Remote Raid Passes cannot be used to join these raids.
- Charjabug
Bonus for completing Four-star Raid Battles
Once you successfully complete a four-star Raid Battle against Charjabug, Grubbin will begin to appear in a 300-meter radius around the Gym that hosted the raid for 30 minutes. If you’re lucky, you may encounter a Shiny one!*
* Grubbin that appear under these circumstances will have the same chance of appearing as a Shiny Pokémon as those that appear during September Community Day’s three-hour event period.
Field Research Tasks
September Community Day–themed Field Research will be available! Catch Grubbin to earn rewards such as additional encounters with Grubbin, Stardust, Ultra Balls, and more!
- Catch 3 Grubbin POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP421Min CP388×5Great Ball ×5×2Ultra Ball ×2+2
Plugging Along
An Exclusive Special Research Story
For US$1.00 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency), you’ll be able to access the Grubbin Community Day–exclusive Special Research story, Plugging Along.

Community Day: Grubbin
Event-exclusive Timed Research
Timed Research awarding one Magnetic Lure will be available between 2:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. local time.

Shiny Grubbin will make its shiny debut during this Community Day. You’ll also have a higher chance of encountering shiny Grubbin during this event.
- Grubbin
- Charjabug
- Vikavolt
You’ll be able to get event-themed stickers by spinning PokéStops, opening Gifts, and purchasing them from the in-game shop.