Solstice-themed Event
Friday, June 19, 2020, at 8:00 AM Local Time
Wednesday, June 24, 2020, at 10:00 PM Local Time
Shiny Clefairy arrives and Lunatone and Solrock will be changing regions during the solstice-themed event
To celebrate the days getting longer in the northern hemisphere and the nights doing the same in the southern hemisphere, Pokémon GO’s solstice-themed event will be coming back! Get ready for Shiny Clefairy and more.

2x Catch Stardust*
* This 2x Catch Stardust bonus will NOT stack with the Community Day 3x Catch Stardust bonus. (via Niantic Support)
- Pokémon associated with the sun and moon—including Clefairy, Sunkern, and more—will be appearing more frequently in the wild, hatching from 5 km Eggs, appearing after completing event-exclusive Field Research tasks, and appearing in raids.
- If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny Clefairy! Previously, you could get a Shiny Clefairy only by hatching a Shiny Cleffa and evolving it, so this will be the first time you’ll have a chance to encounter Shiny Clefairy in the wild.
- Throughout the event, Lunatone and Solrock will both be appearing in three-star raids and hatching from 5 km Eggs, regardless of your location.
- Lunatone and Solrock will be appearing in the wild in different regions. See the schedule in the spawn section for more details.
Pokémon associated with the sun and moon appearing in the wild.
- Clefairy
- Vulpix
- Growlithe
- Magmar
- Sunkern
- Murkrow
- Sneasel
- Teddiursa
- Houndour
- Lunatone
- Solrock
- Castform
- From Friday, June 19, at 8:00 a.m. to Saturday, June 20, at 11:59 p.m. local time, Lunatone will appear more frequently in the wild in the eastern hemisphere and Solrock in the western hemisphere.
- From Sunday, June 21, at 12:00 a.m. to Monday, June 22, at 11:59 p.m. local time, Lunatone and Solrock will be appearing more frequently in the wild everywhere.
- From Tuesday, June 23, at 12:00 a.m. to Wednesday, June 24, at 10:00 p.m. local time, Lunatone and Solrock will be swapping hemispheres. Lunatone will be appearing more frequently in the wild in the western hemisphere and Solrock in the eastern hemisphere.
- Once the event is over, Lunatone will stay in the western hemisphere and Solrock will stay in the eastern hemisphere.
In 5 km Eggs
- Cleffa
- Sunkern
- Magby
- Lunatone
- Solrock
You can check out what’s appearing in raids here.
These Pokémon will be available in their shiny variant in the wild. (Previously you could only evolve a shiny Cleffa to get a shiny Clefairy)
- Clefairy
- There is also a task for Use 4 berries to help catch Pokemon for 1000 Stardust.