Team GO Rocket Takeover
We have intel indicating a Team GO Rocket Takeover is set from March 25, at 10 am local time to March 29, at 8:00 pm local time.

* Team GO Rocket Balloons are appearing every 3 hours during this event.
Save Shadow Regice!
Giovanni’s icy demeanor is as chilling as ever, and this time his plot includes using Shadow Regice! A new Special Research story will be available at the beginning of this event. Progress through it to receive a Super Rocket Radar and chase down Giovanni!
You can claim this Special Research up to the end of Season 10: Rising Heroes on June 1, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. local time.
- Regice
Team GO Rocket Grunts—as well as their leaders Sierra, Cliff, and Arlo—are using different Shadow Pokémon. Help Spark, Blanche, and Candela overcome their adversaries and rescue the Shadow Pokémon!
In addition, Team GO Rocket has also turned the following Pokémon into Shadow Pokémon. Defeat Team GO Rocket Grunts to save them!
Also, Pokémon that Trainers rescue from Team GO Rocket Grunts may be Shiny Pokémon—if you’re lucky. Check the Shiny section on this page for a confirmed list.
- Alolan Grimer
- Phanpy
- Treecko
- Torchic
- Drifloon
Note: Team GO Rocket Leaders and Giovanni encountered at PokéStops will still have the previous lineup on Saturday. Only those battled from Balloons will have the new lineups on Saturday.
This is due to their lineups being determined at midnight before the event started.
Arlo’s Team
Arlo’s Team will consist of these Shadow Pokémon. The row corresponds to the slot on their team.
- Teddiursa
- Hypno
- Blaziken
- Golurk
- Scizor
- Banette
- Luxray
Cliff’s Team
Cliff’s Team will consist of these Shadow Pokémon. The row corresponds to the slot on their team.
- Larvitar
- Skarmory
- Kingdra
- Sceptile
- Gyarados
- Tyranitar
- Swampert
Sierra’s Team
Sierra’s Team will consist of these Shadow Pokémon. The row corresponds to the slot on their team.
- Murkrow
- Steelix
- Swampert
- Staraptor
- Charizard
- Dragonite
- Houndoom
Giovanni’s Team
Giovanni’s Team will consist of these Shadow Pokémon. The row corresponds to the slot on their team.
- Persian
- Nidoking
- Kingler
- Kingdra
- Regice
In 12 km Eggs
The following Pokémon will hatch from 12 km Eggs.
The following Pokémon can currently only be hatched from 12 km Eggs: Sandile, Pawniard, Vullaby, Pancham, and Salandit. Trainers can earn 12 km Eggs by defeating Team GO Rocket leaders.
- Larvitar
- Absol
- Skorupi
- Sandile
- Scraggy
- Pawniard
- Vullaby
- Deino
- Pancham
- Skrelp
- Salandit
Field Research Tasks
A Field Research task awarding a Mysterious Component will be available.
- Defeat 2 Team GO Rocket Grunts REWARD×1Mysterious Component ×1
The event-exclusive Field Research for the Let’s GO! event will also be still available.
From the Shadows
Season-exclusive Special Research
Special Research centered on Giovanni will be available. Complete it to earn Super Rocket Radar!
The Special Research will be available to claim until the end of Season 10: Rising Heroes on June 1, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. local time.

Shiny Pokémon from Grunts
The following Shiny Shadow Pokémon have been confirmed to be available from Team GO Rocket Grunts. This list will be updated as more are confirmed.
Based on the Pokémon confirmed, it looks like Shadow Pokémon that were previously available as Shiny Shadow Pokémon are available from Grunts.
- Bulbasaur
- Charmander
- Squirtle
- Grimer
- Mawile
Shiny Pokémon from Team GO Rocket Leaders
The following Shiny Shadow Pokémon are available from Team GO Rocket Leaders. Arlo has Teddiursa, Cliff has Larviatar, and Sierra has Murkrow.
- Murkrow
- Teddiursa
- Larvitar