Celebrate the Crown Tundra



In celebration of the release of The Crown Tundra, part two of the Pokémon Sword Expansion Pass and Pokémon Shield Expansion Pass, an exciting event will take place in Pokémon GO!

  • Galarian Farfetch’d, which first appeared in Pokémon GO during an event celebrating the release of The Isle of Armor (part one of the Pokémon Sword Expansion Pass and Pokémon Shield Expansion Pass), will be appearing in the wild!
  • You’ll also be able to evolve Galarian Farfetch’d into Sirfetch’d! To evolve Galarian Farfetch’d, you’ll have to make 10 Excellent Throws with it as your buddy. Note that the number of Excellent Throws you’ve made won’t reset when you change your Buddy Pokémon, so keep on trying!
  • Galarian Ponyta will be appearing in Raid Battles! This Pokémon has a small horn that hides a healing power.
  • You’ll also be able to evolve Galarian Ponyta into Galarian Rapidash.

Go and catch yourself these Galarian Pokémon while the event lasts! After the event ends, Galarian Ponyta and Galarian Farfetch’d will be hatching from 7 km Eggs, and you’ll still be able to evolve these Pokémon.

New avatar items, including the Crown Tundra Uniform, are available!

New avatar items designed to resemble the clothing Trainers wear in The Crown Tundra are available in the Style Shop! You can get them at no cost, so head over to the Style Shop to check them out!

Leek Duck

Leek Duck

Hey, I'm LeekDuck. I create Pokémon GO graphics, resources and report Pokémon GO news. You can find them on my Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook Page. You can also find me on Twitch and YouTube!

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