Better Together (Ultra Unlock Part 1)
Tandemaus and friends come together for Ultra Unlock: Better Together!

Pokémon Debut
Tandemaus, the Couple Pokémon, and Maushold, the Family Pokémon, will make their Pokémon GO debuts!
Starting with the Better Together event, you will also be able to catch Tandemaus in Party Play encounters—if you’re lucky!
You can use 50 Tandemaus Candy to evolve Tandemaus into Maushold.
Maushold is available in two forms: Family of Four and Family of Three. The chance of evolving to the Family of Three form is rarer than to the Family of Four form. In Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet it’s 1/100 to evolve to Family of Three. In Pokémon GO, the rate is currently unknown. The evolve button will always show the silhouette for the Family of Four form while the evolution is presumably random.
- Tandemaus
- Maushold (Family of Four)
- Maushold (Family of Three)
The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild.
- Vulpix
- Alolan Vulpix
- Diglett
- Alolan Diglett
- Meowth
- Alolan Meowth
- Galarian Meowth
- Exeggcute
- Wooper
- Paldean Wooper
- Zigzagoon
- Galarian Zigzagoon
- Combee
- Binacle
Some Trainers might even encounter the following!
- Magneton
- Alolan Exeggutor
- Klink
Appearing in 1-Star Raids
- Hisuian Growlithe
- Alolan Grimer
- Unown B
- Unown T
Appearing in 3-Star Raids
- Hisuian Typhlosion
- Hisuian Samurott
- Hisuian Decidueye
Appearing in 5-Star Raids
- Articuno
Appearing in Mega Raids
- Mega Swampert
Field Research Tasks
The following Pokémon will be available to encounter when you complete Field Research tasks.
- Catch 10 Pokémon POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP520Min CP483Combee
Max CP212Min CP188Tandemaus
Max CP382Min CP350 - Evolve a Pokémon POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP525Min CP487Galarian Slowpoke
Max CP525Min CP487Tandemaus
Max CP382Min CP350 - Power up Pokémon 5 times POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP432Min CP399Hisuian Voltorb
Max CP432Min CP399Tandemaus
Max CP382Min CP350 - Power up Pokémon 10 times POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP443Min CP409Deino
Max CP455Min CP420Tandemaus
Max CP382Min CP350 - Send 2 Gifts to friends POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP618Min CP576Galarian Darumaka
Max CP618Min CP576Tandemaus
Max CP382Min CP350 - Trade a Pokémon REWARD
Max CP382Min CP350 - Spin 5 PokéStops or Gyms POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP382Min CP350×500Stardust ×500×5Poké Ball ×5+1
Party Play Challenges
The following Party Play Challenges will reward Tandemaus. Note that this list is not complete and tasks may award other encounters that aren’t listed.
Challenges scale up their goal based on the number of Party members. You will notice the Challenges are identical with the goal number changed.
Party of 2
- Make 10 Nice Curveball Throws POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP382Min CP350Diglett
Max CP289Min CP262Magnemite
Max CP583Min CP544+1 - Make 20 Great Curveball Throws POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP382Min CP350Binacle
Max CP405Min CP373Nosepass
Max CP425Min CP390+1 - Make 10 Excellent Curveball Throws POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP382Min CP350Klink
Max CP409Min CP377Lapras
Max CP1131Min CP1076+2 - Catch 20 Pokémon in Ultra Balls POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP382Min CP350Vaporeon
Max CP1335Min CP1275Flareon
Max CP1298Min CP1239+1 - Walk 2 km POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP382Min CP350Eevee
Max CP459Min CP424Beldum
Max CP418Min CP385
Party of 3
- Make 15 Nice Curveball Throws POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP382Min CP350Diglett
Max CP289Min CP262Magnemite
Max CP583Min CP544+1 - Make 30 Great Curveball Throws POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP382Min CP350Binacle
Max CP405Min CP373Nosepass
Max CP425Min CP390+1 - Make 15 Excellent Curveball Throws POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP382Min CP350Klink
Max CP409Min CP377Lapras
Max CP1131Min CP1076+2 - Catch 30 Pokémon in Ultra Balls POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP382Min CP350Vaporeon
Max CP1335Min CP1275Flareon
Max CP1298Min CP1239+1 - Walk 3 km POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP382Min CP350Eevee
Max CP459Min CP424Beldum
Max CP418Min CP385
Party of 4
- Make 40 Nice Curveball Throws POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP382Min CP350Diglett
Max CP289Min CP262Magnemite
Max CP583Min CP544+1 - Make 40 Great Curveball Throws POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP382Min CP350Binacle
Max CP405Min CP373Nosepass
Max CP425Min CP390+1 - Make 20 Excellent Curveball Throws POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP382Min CP350Klink
Max CP409Min CP377Lapras
Max CP1131Min CP1076+2 - Catch 40 Pokémon in Ultra Balls POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP382Min CP350Vaporeon
Max CP1335Min CP1275Flareon
Max CP1298Min CP1239+1 - Walk 4 km POSSIBLE REWARDS
Max CP382Min CP350Eevee
Max CP459Min CP424Beldum
Max CP418Min CP385
Better Together
Event-exclusive Timed Research
Event-themed Timed Research will be available throughout the event.
Complete tasks to earn XP, Stardust, and encounters with Tandemaus and event-themed Pokémon.

Shiny Unown B and T will be available during this event in 1-star raids.
- Unown B
- Unown T
New Avatar Items
The following avatar items will be available to purchase in the in-game shop during this event and will continue to be available after it ends!
- Tandemaus Hoodie
- Tandemaus Slippers
Pokémon GO Web Store
Don’t forget to check out the Pokémon GO Web Store for all the best deals.
And now, even more Trainers can enjoy the convenience of the web store! Trainers with Pokémon Trainer Club (PTC) accounts will now be able to log in to the Pokémon GO Web Store with the same credentials they use to log in to Pokémon GO. And don’t forget that you can get a 15% discount on your first web store purchase of any item that costs US$9.99 or more!