World Tourism Day Event
Happy World Tourism Day! In partnership with the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), Pokémon GO is celebrating the first-ever World Tourism Day event in Pokémon GO! For this upcoming week, we’ll be celebrating exploration with a special in-game event.

New features starting on September 26:
- New shirt! Check out a new United Nations World Tourism Organization T-shirt, available in the Style Shop!
- Region-limited Pokémon available in Eggs! Regionals will now be in 5 km Eggs in their respective regions.
- Mime Jr. will be available in 5 km Eggs in Europe. If you’re lucky, you might hatch a Shiny Mime Jr.!
- Shiny Pokémon rivals spotted! If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny Zangoose or a Shiny Seviper in the wild in their respective real-world regions!
During the event duration:
- Specially themed Field Research tasks will be available for a limited time during this event.
- Zangoose
- Seviper
These Pokémon will be released in their shiny variant with the start of the event.
- Zangoose
- Seviper
- Mime Jr.
5km Eggs in their Respective Regions
- Farfetch'd
- Kangaskhan
- Tauros
- Heracross
- Corsola
- Volbeat
- Illumise
- Torkoal
- Zangoose
- Seviper
- Lunatone
- Solrock
- Tropius
- Relicanth
- Pachirisu
- Mime Jr.
- Chatot
- Pansage
- Pansear
- Panpour
- Heatmor
- Durant
Respective regions means they are only available from Eggs picked up in these Pokémon’s region. eg. Tauros in America.
Note: The task, Trade Pokémon caught 10,000 km apart, will reward an encounter with the Regional Pokémon NOT currently in your region. Trainers in the Americas and Africa will encounter Zangoose and trainers in Europe, Asia, and Australia will encounter Seviper.