This list is not final. There may be tasks, rewards, or encounters missing.
These are the available Research Tasks with Pokémon encounters for the current Season, Might and Mastery. Completing a Research Breakthrough this season will lead to an encounter with one of the following Pokémon: Alolan Marowak, Mawile, Druddigon, Jangmo-o, Charcadet, Frigibax.
The Spinda pattern 7 and 8 are available this season.
Powerful Potential Tasks
- Hatch an Egg

Gothita Max CP
407 Min CP
375 -

Solosis Max CP
586 Min CP
545 -
Sinistea Max CP
488 Min CP
- Explore 2 km

Gothita Max CP
407 Min CP
375 -

Solosis Max CP
586 Min CP
545 -
Sinistea Max CP
488 Min CP
- Earn a Candy exploring with your buddy

Stardust ×1000
- Win 2 raids

Alolan Raichu Max CP
980 Min CP
929 -

Hisuian Typhlosion Max CP
1283 Min CP
1224 -

Sableye Max CP
632 Min CP
Catching Tasks
- Catch 7 Pokémon

Magikarp Max CP
117 Min CP
99 -

Stufful Max CP
579 Min CP
540 -

Wimpod Max CP
215 Min CP
- Catch 10 Pokémon

Stardust ×200 -

Rare Candy ×3 -

Golden Razz Berry ×2 -

Poké Ball ×10
- Catch a Dragon-type Pokémon

Dratini Max CP
430 Min CP
397 -

Bagon Max CP
495 Min CP
459 -

Axew Max CP
586 Min CP
547 -

Stardust ×1500 -

Rare Candy ×3 -

Golden Razz Berry ×2 -

Ultra Ball ×10
- Catch a Ditto

Stardust ×1500 -

Rare Candy ×3 -

Golden Razz Berry ×2 -

Ultra Ball ×10
- Catch 10 Normal-type Pokémon

Pidgeot Mega Energy ×10 -

Great Ball ×5 -

Razz Berry ×6 -

Pinap Berry ×2 -

Stardust ×500
- Catch 10 Fire-type Pokémon

Charizard Mega Energy ×10 -

Blaziken Mega Energy ×10 -

Great Ball ×5 -

Razz Berry ×6 -

Pinap Berry ×2 -

Stardust ×500
- Catch 10 Grass-type Pokémon

Venusaur Mega Energy ×10 -

Sceptile Mega Energy ×10 -

Great Ball ×5 -

Razz Berry ×6 -

Pinap Berry ×2 -

Stardust ×500
- Catch 10 Water-type Pokémon

Blastoise Mega Energy ×10 -

Swampert Mega Energy ×10 -

Great Ball ×5 -

Razz Berry ×6 -

Pinap Berry ×2 -

Stardust ×500
- Catch 7 different species of Pokémon

Clauncher Max CP
466 Min CP
431 -

Sandygast Max CP
528 Min CP
491 -
Hatenna Max CP
369 Min CP
- Catch 5 Pokémon with Weather Boost

Vulpix Max CP
378 Min CP
347 -

Poliwag Max CP
355 Min CP
324 -

Wingull Max CP
328 Min CP
298 -

Hippopotas Max CP
582 Min CP
542 -

Snover Max CP
497 Min CP
460 -

Roggenrola Max CP
516 Min CP
479 -

Vanillite Max CP
443 Min CP
409 -

Stardust ×200 -

Razz Berry ×3 -

Pinap Berry ×1 -

Poké Ball ×5
- Catch 10 Pokémon with Weather Boost

Stardust ×500 -

Razz Berry ×6 -

Pinap Berry ×2 -

Great Ball ×5
- Use 5 Berries to help catch Pokémon

Great Ball ×5 -

Razz Berry ×6 -

Pinap Berry ×2 -

Stardust ×500
Throwing Tasks
- Make 5 Curveball Throws in a row

Great Ball ×5 -

Razz Berry ×6 -

Pinap Berry ×2 -

Stardust ×500
- Make 5 Nice Throws

Diglett Max CP
289 Min CP
262 -

Alolan Diglett Max CP
292 Min CP
264 -

Sudowoodo Max CP
920 Min CP
871 -

Stardust ×200 -

Razz Berry ×3 -

Pinap Berry ×1 -

Poké Ball ×5
- Make 3 Nice Throws in a row

Great Ball ×5 -

Ultra Ball ×2 -

Pinap Berry ×2 -

Stardust ×500
- Make 2 Nice Curveball Throws in a row

Stardust ×200 -

Razz Berry ×3 -

Pinap Berry ×1 -

Poké Ball ×5
- Make 3 Great Throws

Omanyte Max CP
662 Min CP
620 -

Kabuto Max CP
587 Min CP
548 -

Clamperl Max CP
544 Min CP
507 -

Elgyem Max CP
593 Min CP
554 -

Binacle Max CP
405 Min CP
373 -

Stardust ×200 -

Razz Berry ×3 -

Pinap Berry ×1 -

Poké Ball ×5
- Make 3 Great Throws in a row

Lileep Max CP
553 Min CP
515 -

Anorith Max CP
655 Min CP
613 -

Poké Ball ×10 -

Ultra Ball ×5 -

Razz Berry ×9 -

Pinap Berry ×3 -

Rare Candy ×1 -

Stardust ×1000
- Make 3 Great Curveball Throws

Poké Ball ×10 -

Ultra Ball ×5 -

Razz Berry ×9 -

Pinap Berry ×3 -

Rare Candy ×1 -

Stardust ×1000
- Make 3 Great Curveball Throws in a row

Stardust ×1500 -

Rare Candy ×3 -

Golden Razz Berry ×2 -

Ultra Ball ×10
- Make 5 Great Curveball Throws in a row

Spinda 7 Max CP
523 Min CP
486 -

Spinda 8 Max CP
523 Min CP
- Make an Excellent Throw

Stardust ×500 -

Pinap Berry ×2 -

Great Ball ×5 -

Ultra Ball ×2
- Make 2 Excellent Throws

Jangmo-o Max CP
415 Min CP
- Make 3 Excellent Throws in a row

Larvitar Max CP
445 Min CP
411 -

Beldum Max CP
418 Min CP
385 -

Gible Max CP
477 Min CP
Battling Tasks
- Win a Trainer Battle in the GO Battle League

Kubfu Candy ×3
- Win a raid

Mawile Max CP
700 Min CP
658 -

Klink Max CP
409 Min CP
377 -

Falinks Max CP
1010 Min CP
- Win a three-star raid or higher

Tirtouga Max CP
638 Min CP
597 -

Archen Max CP
789 Min CP
- Win a five-star raid

Stardust ×1500 -

Kubfu Candy ×5
- Win 2 raids

Beedrill Max CP
791 Min CP
745 -

Slowbro Max CP
1090 Min CP
1037 -

Houndoom Max CP
1129 Min CP
- Win 5 raids

Alolan Exeggutor Max CP
1292 Min CP
1233 -

Alolan Marowak Max CP
786 Min CP
741 -

Aerodactyl Max CP
1193 Min CP
1136 -

Stardust ×1500 -

Rare Candy ×3 -

Golden Razz Berry ×2 -

Ultra Ball ×10
Exploring Tasks
- Hatch an Egg

Scyther Max CP
1160 Min CP
1104 -

Sudowoodo Max CP
920 Min CP
871 -

Nincada Max CP
329 Min CP
299 -

Trubbish Max CP
428 Min CP
395 -

Aipom Max CP
578 Min CP
539 -

Ducklett Max CP
367 Min CP
335 -

Smoliv Max CP
366 Min CP
- Hatch 2 Eggs

Sneasel Max CP
879 Min CP
831 -

Mawile Max CP
700 Min CP
- Explore 2 km

Shellder Max CP
463 Min CP
428 -

Murkrow Max CP
669 Min CP
626 -

Wurmple Max CP
247 Min CP
- Spin 3 PokéStops or Gyms

Doduo Max CP
514 Min CP
477 -

Remoraid Max CP
391 Min CP
358 -

Ralts Max CP
231 Min CP
206 -

Aron Max CP
560 Min CP
522 -

Stardust ×500 -

Razz Berry ×6 -

Pinap Berry ×2 -

Great Ball ×5
- Spin 5 PokéStops or Gyms

Mankey Max CP
499 Min CP
462 -

Growlithe Max CP
533 Min CP
495 -

Hisuian Growlithe Max CP
566 Min CP
527 -

Slowpoke Max CP
525 Min CP
487 -

Galarian Slowpoke Max CP
525 Min CP
487 -

Great Ball ×3 -

Stardust ×500
- Take a snapshot of a wild Pokémon

Trapinch Max CP
546 Min CP
507 -

Croagunk Max CP
408 Min CP
375 -

Cottonee Max CP
300 Min CP
271 -

Stardust ×500 -

Razz Berry ×6 -

Pinap Berry ×2 -

Great Ball ×5
- Take a snapshot of Kubfu

Kubfu Candy ×3
Training Tasks
- Evolve a Pokémon

Eevee Max CP
459 Min CP
- Evolve 2 Pokémon

Crabrawler Max CP
584 Min CP
544 -

Togedemaru Max CP
926 Min CP
- Power up Pokémon 3 times

Bulbasaur Max CP
477 Min CP
442 -

Charmander Max CP
420 Min CP
387 -

Squirtle Max CP
405 Min CP
372 -

Stardust ×500 -

Razz Berry ×6 -

Pinap Berry ×2 -

Great Ball ×5
- Power up Pokémon 5 times

Snivy Max CP
364 Min CP
333 -

Tepig Max CP
464 Min CP
428 -

Oshawott Max CP
448 Min CP
413 -

Croagunk Max CP
408 Min CP
375 -

Scraggy Max CP
588 Min CP
549 -

Venusaur Mega Energy ×10 -

Charizard Mega Energy ×10 -

Blastoise Mega Energy ×10 -

Beedrill Mega Energy ×10 -

Pidgeot Mega Energy ×10 -

Manectric Mega Energy ×10 -

Aggron Mega Energy ×10
- Power up Pokémon 7 times

Rowlet Max CP
453 Min CP
418 -

Litten Max CP
443 Min CP
409 -

Popplio Max CP
483 Min CP
- Power up Pokémon 10 times

Mienfoo Max CP
595 Min CP
555 -

Passimian Max CP
1300 Min CP
- Earn 10000 XP

Golden Razz Berry ×1
- Earn 10000 Stardust

Silver Pinap Berry ×1
Buddy & Friendship Tasks
- Earn 2 Candies walking with your buddy

Jigglypuff Max CP
310 Min CP
277 -

Buneary Max CP
539 Min CP
501 -

Glameow Max CP
400 Min CP
367 -

Bunnelby Max CP
237 Min CP
212 -

Litleo Max CP
611 Min CP
571 -

Dedenne Max CP
789 Min CP
743 -

Stardust ×500 -

Razz Berry ×6 -

Pinap Berry ×2 -

Great Ball ×5
- Earn 3 Candies walking with your buddy

Stunfisk Max CP
926 Min CP
876 -

Galarian Stunfisk Max CP
926 Min CP
- Send 3 Gifts and add a sticker to each

Ralts Max CP
231 Min CP
206 -

Makuhita Max CP
350 Min CP
- Trade a Pokémon

Magikarp Max CP
117 Min CP
99 -

Feebas Max CP
117 Min CP
Team GO Rocket Tasks
- Defeat 3 Team GO Rocket Grunts

Dratini Max CP
430 Min CP
397 -

Larvitar Max CP
445 Min CP
411 -

Kubfu Candy ×3
Sponsored Tasks
- Send 3 Gifts to friends

Rare Candy ×1 -

Stardust ×1000
- Catch 8 Pokémon

Stardust ×1000 -

Rare Candy ×1
AR Scanning Tasks
- AR Scanning

Poké Ball ×10 -

Great Ball ×5 -

Poffin ×1
What is Research in Pokémon GO?
Research is a feature in Pokémon GO that gives Trainers the opportunity to help Professor Willow with his Pokémon Research. Completing a Research Task will unlock rewards. The more challenging a task, the greater the reward will be.
There are two types of Research you can contribute to: Field Research and Special Research.
What is Field Research?
Field Research tasks are assigned/collected by spinning PokéStops. Trainers can only receive and complete one task from each PokéStop each day. Tasks are the same for all trainers on a given day so you can share PokéStop locations for a desirable task with others in your community.
The task will consist of an objective and a reward for completing it. Rewards range from Items to Pokémon encounters. If the task awards items, it will disclose what item and quantity on the task itself. If it’s an encounter, it won’t. Instead you can refer to the handy graphic on this page.
The first Field Research task you complete for a day will reward you with a Stamp towards unlocking a Research Breakthrough.
How do I unlock a Research Breakthrough?
You can unlock a Research Breakthrough by collect 7 Stamps. Again, Stamps are obtained from your first completed Field Research task for the day. Unlike the ‘First PokéStop of the Day’ or ‘First Catch of the Day’ streaks, you do not need to collect Stamps on consecutive days. You won’t ever lose stamps you earned because you missed a day.
Upon reaching 7 Stamps, you can open the box and earn a handful of helpful Rewards. Rewards will consist of a Pokémon encounter, XP, Stardust and will include one of the following items: Rare Candy, Pinap Berries, Ultra Balls, or Poké Balls.
What is Special Research?
Special Research is like Field Research but they can be thought of as part of the game’s Story. Like Field Research they consist of tasks that you work through to earn Rewards. However in Special Research completing a set of task will earn you additional rewards. Completing all sets of tasks in the series will earn you a more valuable reward. eg. A Mythical Pokémon encounter.
While, Trainers cannot repeat Special Research tasks, Professor Willow will occasionally seek assistance with new tasks. Special Research can also be assigned at Special Events like GO Fest in Chicago or during in-game Events like Pokémon GO Halloween 2018.
What are the CP numbers under the Pokémon in the graphic?
That is the Perfect CP value or the number a Pokémon will have on encounter from Field Research when it’s IV values are maxed out. It is helpful to know at a glance if an encounter has high IVs.
What is the Sparkle next to some Pokémon in the graphic?
The sparkle indicates that there is a chance of encountering that Pokémon in their Shiny form. The chance of encountering a Shiny from a Field Research task is 1 in 450. However they could possibly be higher for certain encounters (eg. Absol).
Leek Duck
Hey, I'm LeekDuck. I create Pokémon GO graphics, resources and report Pokémon GO news. You can find them on X, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and Bluesky. You can also find me on Twitch and YouTube!