GO Battle Weekend
Celebrate Pokémon GO’s anniversary with a weekend full of battling! Enjoy bonuses in the GO Battle League, Battle Team GO Rocket Grunts, and save Shadow Latios from Giovanni.
Active Leagues
The following leagues will be active.
- Great League
- Ultra League
- Master League
Team GO Rocket Bonuses

GO Battle League Bonuses

Raid Bonuses

Ultra Unlock Bonus: Blasts From the Past
If you evolve into the following Pokémon during Ultra Unlock: Battle Weekend, they’ll know attacks that were previously featured during past events!
Frenzy Plant (Charged Attack)
- Venusaur
- Meganium
- Sceptile
- Torterra
- Serperior
Blast Burn (Charged Attack)
- Charizard
- Typhlosion
- Blaziken
- Infernape
- Emboar
Hydro Cannon (Charged Attack)
- Blastoise
- Feraligatr
- Swampert
- Empoleon
- Samurott
Dragon Breath (Fast Attack)
- Charizard
Save Shadow Latios!
Giovanni doesn’t do anything halfway. After Trainers around the world saved Shadow Latias, the Team GO Rocket boss just had to get his hands on Shadow Latios—and now it needs your help! Get ready to face off against Giovanni and rescue Shadow Latios!
- Latios
Shadow Pokémon
Team GO Rocket Grunts—as well as their leaders, Sierra, Cliff, and Arlo—are also using different Shadow Pokémon. Help Spark, Blanche, and Candela overcome their adversaries and rescue the Shadow Pokémon! If you’re lucky, you may encounter different Shiny Shadow Pokémon than normal, too!
In addition, Team GO Rocket has also turned the following Pokémon into Shadow Pokémon. Defeat Team GO Rocket Grunts to save them!
Team GO Rocket Grunts
Grunts will have these Shadow Pokémon on their teams.
- Geodude
- Magmar
- Shinx
- Patrat
- Purrloin
- Ducklett
- Foongus
Arlo’s Team
Arlo’s Team will consist of these Shadow Pokémon. The row corresponds to the slot on their team.
- Charmander
- Charizard
- Mawile
- Salamence
- Steelix
- Scizor
- Gardevoir
Cliff’s Team
Cliff’s Team will consist of these Shadow Pokémon. The row corresponds to the slot on their team.
- Bulbasaur
- Venusaur
- Omastar
- Crobat
- Tyranitar
- Swampert
- Torterra
Sierra’s Team
Sierra’s Team will consist of these Shadow Pokémon. The row corresponds to the slot on their team.
- Squirtle
- Blastoise
- Lapras
- Blaziken
- Nidoqueen
- Houndoom
- Drapion
Giovanni’s Team
Giovanni’s Team will consist of these Shadow Pokémon. The row corresponds to the slot on their team.
- Persian
- Nidoking
- Machamp
- Rhyperior
- Latios
Field Notes: Team GO Rocket
Season-exclusive Special Research
Special Research centered on Giovanni will be available. Complete it to earn Super Rocket Radar!
The Special Research will be available to claim until the end of the Season of GO on September 1, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. local time.

Battle Weekend Challenge: GO Battle League!
Event-exclusive Timed Research
There will be a set of Timed Research for the Battle Weekend event.
Trainers can choose between GO Battle League or Raids, Grunts, and Gyms themed tasks for this Timed Research on Step 2. This is the GO Battle League Path.
The Party Hat Charizard caught at the end will know both Dragon Breath and Blast Burn.

Battle Weekend Challenge: Raids, Grunts, and Gyms!
Event-exclusive Timed Research
There will be a set of Timed Research for the Battle Weekend event.
Trainers can choose between GO Battle League or Raids, Grunts, and Gyms themed tasks for this Timed Research on Step 2. This is the Raids, Grunts, and Gyms Path.
The Party Hat Charizard caught at the end will know both Dragon Breath and Blast Burn.